Monday, October 1, 2012

Ender's Game Book Review

I've be told I should write about something I love.

I love to read.

Fantasy and Sci Fi are my favorite works to read.

The latest book I finished was Ender's Games by Orson Scott Card, an oldie but goodie.

I once read this book in Jr. High because it was required reading and at that time I didn't enjoy reading at all.

With the Movie adapted from the book coming out soon I decided I wanted to give this book a second chance.

I loved it! It was a great read, and easy to get through.

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins came to my mind as I read this book. In the Hunger Games they mess with the children in a more physical aspect. (Obviously) However in Ender's Game it's psychological, they would mess with Ender's head. It was sad and sometimes a little disturbing what would go through his head at times. I'm thought to myself "No little kid should be thinking those thoughts."

Having a young child as the protagonist wasn't a big issue for me, I mean come on, almost every big literary Hero now days is either a teen or pre-teen. What I did enjoy however was Ender actually grew up through the book instead of staying the same age, so it seemed a little more realistic because he gain experience and knowledge, unlike our other heroes thrown into the fray and happen to survive everything.

Children were many of the main antagonists in Ender’s path through the story.

So at times you were thinking to yourself, wow these kids are messed up. Bonzo was to self-involved in his Honor, which ended in his premature death. Sorry spoiler for those who haven't read it.

I won't ruin the end for those who haven't read it.

I know that there are several more books in this series, but you can read this book and be satisfied with the ending with no driving feeling of continuing on and finishing the series of books. It ends and leaves your minds open to a future, but one you can think up yourself if you didn't want to read the other books.

Ender's Game receives four out of five stars.

A pleasure to read, something the whole family could enjoy.


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